Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wrapping Up Another School Year

Well, we'll be wrapping up another school year in another 2 weeks.  This marks a milestone not only for me ending my first year teaching high school, but for our oldest, Kris.  He's graduating next 6 days. 

Kris at age 11
Where did our little boy go??
Kris at age 17
This morning we had the senior mass, and it was bittersweet seeing him in his cap and gown.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.

It's exciting to know that he's about to embark on a new life, making decisions that only he can make.  His future is an adventure now.  I wonder what direction his life will take and where he'll end up.

I think back to when I was graduating 28 years ago.  I remember how excited I was to be done high school, and get on with my life.  I didn't know what direction life would take me, but I'm here now.  Every step I took, every direction I went towards, led me to the man I'm married to, the children I'm a stepmom to, and working at the teaching career I now have.  I wouldn't change a thing.

I just hope that Kris can look back on his life in 10, 20, and 30 years from now and be happy with his choices in life and have no regrets.

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