Sunday, April 12, 2009

What Writers Do?

I'm on my quest on how to best start writing. As mentioned in my profile, I teach language arts, so I teach my students the writing process, which consists of brainstorming, drafting, conferencing, revising, editing, and publishing. What I want to know is, is this what writers do when they are working on their pieces? Do authors actually sit down and brainstorm their ideas? Do they form webs or outlines to organize their ideas? I'm assuming that they follow the rest of the process, but it's the brainstorming that I'm curious about. Any ideas out there?

In an earlier post, I expressed frustration on how difficult it is to just sit and write. I do keep in my purse a small notebook with a pen that I intend on writing notes on, but I don't always take it out. In fact, I often forget it's there. I tend to come up with ideas when I'm in the car. However, it doesn't seem to matter if I'm driving or not, I can't write then because I get carsick easily if I try. So, I tend to forget what I want to jot down. I'll have to come up with other ways on how to keep track of my ideas. Any suggestions?


  1. I went through a period of time when I wrote quite a few songs. I always had a handheld recording device with me. I used it quite a bit to sing in lyrics and melody that popped in my head, so I wouldn't forget them.

    I don't do many songs anymore - just thoughts in my journal. I have pretty much been a little fearful to try and go any further with what I have to say. Although, I love having a place in blogland to share a bit from my heart.

    When an interesting thought or topic takes wing up in my mind, I kind of just file it away until I have the opportunity to write it down. I figure if it's not that important the thought will fly away, but if it is of value to me then it will roost in my mind and find a home. However, there have been times I have felt so compelled to write 'it' down. Napkins, tablecloths, receipts, letters, really any sort of paper I could get my hands on worked as a surface to inspiration.

    I have a hard time with strict outlines and hard rules. My one basic rule of thumb is just write - anything and everything that comes to mind. Then I start paring it down, down, down until I am pleased with the outcome.

    I too have wondered how 'real' writers do the job? I hope you share what you usually do. I'm sure you must have a lot of great tips, being a teacher.

  2. Well, that's just it. I teach my students to brainstorm, but I don't really practice what I preach. Pretty bad, I know. Before I was teaching, I used to just sit and write whatever would come to mind without following any process, and that's what I have always done since. I have tried to brainstorm, but never got into it like I teach my students to do. I have read Nathalie Goldberg's book, Writing Down the Bones, which focuses a lot on using a writing notebook, but I have a lot of trouble with routines, at least when it comes to doing something for me (i.e. exercising, writing, reading) I guess that's what I'm trying to work out.

    Thanks so much for your input. I would love to read or hear the songs you've written before.


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