Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Something New...

I've always been interested in using computers, but have never been comfortable with blogging and networking sites like Facebook and Myspace. Well, one of my friends from work invited me to join Facebook, so I did. By the time the night was done I had found most of my classmates and my husband and I were sitting side by side searching for people we haven't seen in years. It was kind of fun. I've added some family members and friends from school as well as from work. Some who have moved away and lost track with and others who are still around, but lost track of too. Life gets so busy sometimes.

I've experienced something since I've been on Facebook. When I was in school, there was only a small group of my classmates that I hung out with, but never mingled with the rest. So, imagine my surprise when suddenly these classmates who I never hung out with, or ever socialized with, ever, started asking me to add them to my group of friends. It felt weird. As I'm considering each of them, I'm wondering why I'm doing it. Do I expect to develop a friendship that I never got back in school? Am I expecting to finally fit in to the social group that I was never a part of? There are some who I would consider acquaintances back then, but never close friends. Those people were easy to decide. But those who had snubbed me, I seriously considered my decision. But, I confirmed them anyhow and added them to my list. Perhaps friendships will blossom or they'll fizzle. Whatever comes out of it is okay with me.


  1. Glad you're having a good time on face book. I prefer a blog as it is a bit more private, in that people only know as much about you as you want. But I know anyone can see my blog, so I guess that's kind of out in the open too.

    My husband has face book and keeps in touch with a bunch of people that way.

  2. I have a facebook acct also. But I only go there when I get an e-mail that somebody wrote on my wall. I don't really get facebook, with all the sending of drinks and snowball fights and the pretend stuff.

  3. I know what you mean about the pretend stuff. I've noticed that. I've been invited to play games and have seen how others send drinks and other virtual items, which cost money, and I find it all so silly. Childish even. My main purpose for Face Book is to keep in touch with family and friends.

  4. Wow, Facebook........I too have been invited, but I guess I'm still afraid...hmmm afraid of what? Being exposed?!


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