Friday, April 24, 2009

Change in Weather

I have done more today alone that I have all week during my vacation. Now when I say done more, I mean outside, walking, and enjoying the sunshine. This week has been more rainy than sunny, and today we actually have hit the 60's! That's a difference of almost 30 degrees in one week! Tomorrow we're suppose to hit the 70's and I'm loving it!

I took Shelby and Hunter for a walk the other day, when it wasn't raining, and she was so cute and Hunter behaved so well. She loved the idea of having Hunter with her. She kept jumping around him putting her front paws on his back and hopping along side him. Normally, Hunter will pull me like there's no tomorrow. He's used to having his freedom, but when we go for walks, he's on a leash. However, this time, he behaved and didn't pull. It was as if he understood that he was her role model and needed to show her how to walk properly. It's amazing what animals understand that can't be verbalized.


  1. It's so nice to not have your dog pull on the lead. I feel sorry for people when I see their dog draging them around.

  2. Dogs are amazing creatures. Here on friday it was almost muggy and 75-80, that weather rolled in some thunder storms. Everything is greening up so nicely. Today we rode into town to do some shopping and passed several rolling farm hills with winter wheat sprouted and spring fresh. It was such a beautiful sight.


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