Saturday, June 29, 2019

Conflicting Emotions

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything at all.  Four years to be exact. Sorry about that. I'll explain more in future posts, but for now, I'll talk about what's been going on.

I have never had children of my own.  Readers have come to know how I have two stepsons who I've helped raise for the past 17 years.  The oldest was turning 5 and the youngest turning 1 when I met them. They are now 22 and 18 and now both graduated from high school.  I'll get to them in a bit.

I only have one sibling, my sister who is 11 1/2 years younger than me.  So it's understandable that she's referred to me as her second mom. Well, last year she became pregnant with my first niece by birth (I already have 2 nieces and 2 nephews through marriage), Adeline.  She's beautiful, but I'm biased so...anyhow, she's perfect, healthy and thriving.
Adeline 5 months old
On Friday, July 13, 2018, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She was already mostly through her 1st trimester. In spite of her pregnancy, her doctors informed her that she could receive chemo treatments during her 2nd trimester because Adeline was already formed at this point.  So my sister started her treatments until two weeks before Adeline was born, and resumed the chemo again sometime after she was recovered.

Last month they did a new round of tests and learned that her breast cancer spread to her sternum.  So, long story short, she's having a double mastectomy and will have to receive 5-6 weeks of radiation 6 hours from home.  We're currently working to raise money so she can stay where her daughter can be with her. Here's the link in case anyone is interested in donating or even sharing.

So the oldest, Kris, enlisted in the Air Force and left in May. He's now about to start WOT (Week of Training) 6.  So basically I'll be traveling from little 'ole northern Maine to fly to San Antonio, Texas. This is the first time I'll be on a commercial plane, the first time I travel anywhere past Connecticut, and the furthest I've ever been away from home. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I've missed Kris and wrote to him often telling him what's happening back home, and sending him messages of how proud I am, encouragement, and motivation.

On top of attending his graduation in July, the day of his graduation is the day he plans to marry his fiancée.  So we've got lots to plan just to get there and for the wedding ceremony, too. We've got everything booked, so hopefully everything falls into place.  Also, we're not only gaining a daughter-in-law, but an adorable 4-year-old grandson. 

Kris (R) and Kam (L)
Now the youngest, Kam, just graduated from high school after Kris left for the Air Force.  He had originally planned to go to college for nursing, but now it seems like the Air Force is calling him, too.  So we're waiting for Kam to decide exactly what he wants to do.

There are so many changes and it's almost overwhelming if I let it.  At least this time I don't have to change school districts. Thankfully, most of what's going on is happening this summer, because during the school year would be way too much.

Well, that's basically what's been going on in a nutshell. I'll be back to explain more, but for now....

~I'm grateful for my health and my family.

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