Monday, January 6, 2014

Is it a Fail or a Break?

I had a snow day today.  Or might it be considered a rain day instead?  It definitely became a PJ day for me.  I know, it seems strange to have a rain day, but that's what we got today, and the boys and I didn't have school.

Considering the fact that we've been dealing with day after day of snow through Christmas Break, we then dealt with nearly a week of subzero temperatures that the rest of the country is now getting.  So, today our temperature rose literally 60º to a balmy 37º F today! So today we got rain.

The problem was that because the ground was so cold, any rain that fell froze as it landed on the roads, which made for dangerous driving.  So, that justified having a rain day.  In January.  In Maine.

So, where does "A Fail or a Break" come into the picture?  Well, I was still up at my usual time this morning, at 5 A.M. to feed our cat Charlie, say goodbye to my husband, and begin getting ready for my day.  I had my suspicions that there would be no school today, but just in case I jumped in the shower just the same.

As I was toweling off, my phone rang with our customary School Reach call letting me know of our school cancellation.  That left me with a dilemma.  A very serious dilemma.

You know how I've been wanting to get back in to my workout routines that I had been doing so long ago? Well, I had the perfect opportunity to do that today, but I had already taken my shower.  I couldn't get all sweaty again when I just got washed up.  It's not good for my hair to get washed so often, and it's drying for the skin when it's cold outside.  I know.  Great excuses.

So, what do you think I did?  That's right.  Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, not exactly nothing.  I did have to revise my plans because of the school cancellation today, and I did try to set up some Mystery Skype sessions, and of course, I ensured that my friends and I were updated on all the necessary statuses on Facebook and Twitter.  All the cute kitty pictures and videos were liked and shared.  All the posts about the weather were commented upon.  You know, catching up with the news.

Now, I could beat myself up mentally for not doing a workout today.  I could punish myself by saying what a lazy, horrible, and unmotivated person I am.  Then I thought about it.  I just did a streak of 3 days!  Is it wrong to give myself a break?  Didn't I deserve it?  At this point in the day, I'd have to say the answer is a yes.  I did deserve a break.  Especially after the latest development of my 2 hour delay in my district tomorrow morning.  

That's right.  My plans for tomorrow are this.  Get up at the usual time of 5, feed Charlie, say goodbye to Hubby, then do my workout.  Wake up the boys, make them pancakes (which is usually reserved for special occasions and weekends), send them off to school, then get ready for my day.  

I think that sounds like a workable plan.  Don't ya think?  I'll let you know how that went.

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