Friday, April 16, 2010

Student Teacher

For the past few weeks, I've had a student teacher in my room.  It's an new and interesting experience for me, because just 8 years ago (it doesn't seem that long to me) I was the one doing my student teaching.  I've always known my student teacher...I remember him when he was just a little boy and would come grocery shopping with his mom.  He must have been a couple of years old, because his brother wasn't born yet.  Now, he's 21, 6 feet plus, and married.  This is one one of those opportunities where he's not the only one who's learning, because I'm getting a lot out of this as well.

This week was the first week he's teaching my full load, and I just observe.  I didn't think it would bother me, and it really doesn't, but I'm BORED!!  One can only take so much "observing"!  We're going on vacation this week and we've got two weeks left of him teaching my classes.  Then, it'll be business as usual.

Well, another 30 minutes left and it's vacation time!

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