Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chicken pictures as promised....

As promised, here are a couple of pictures of our chickens.  I thought I had more, but these are the best ones.  I tried to attach a video, but haven't figured that out yet.

This handsome looking fellow is Rudy, our rooster.  Perhaps it will change, but he's a gentle guy, even letting me pet him.  I so enjoy hearing him "cock-a-doodle-do" in the mornings and occasionally throughout the day when he feels the mood.  I was worried about our neighbors, but they listen out for him.  That's comforting.

These are a few of our hens.  The lighter ones are Buff Orpingtons while the rest are Rhode Island Reds.  I love to hear how they coo when they're calm.

1 comment:

  1. Whew, chickens! We had chickens when I was a young child at home on the farm. I guess I was too young to know how much work they are.

    That Rudy is a handsome creature, I'm glad he's gentle.

    Good to hear from you again. It is hard to keep up with everything that we enjoy doing. I too have a farm on face book and fish! Poor fish, I have let so many die, it takes a lot of time, but it's fun : )


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